Guiding Light: The Power of Thought

Guiding Light: The Power of Thought

Dada J. P. VaswaniUpdated: Monday, February 20, 2023, 08:03 PM IST
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Take care of your thoughts! For thoughts have power over the body, that is why we often say that when we think of a delicious dessert or a favourite dish, we begin to salivate — the salivary glands, in this case, are activated by mere thought.

I repeat, thoughts affect your body, therefore be conscious of your thoughts. Our minds today are full of wrong thoughts, negative thoughts, illness, pain, disease, thoughts of passion, pride, lust, greed, hatred, and resentment, thoughts of ill-will, envy and jealousy. With such thoughts darkening our hearts and minds, how can we expect to be healthy and happy? These thoughts must be consciously pushed aside. Positive, optimistic, healing thoughts must be activated in their place. Such thoughts, that are energetic and in tune with wholeness and well-being, will allow good health to infuse your life.

The mind is an infinitely valuable gift that God has given us. People can lead successful, satisfying lives without hands, eyes or legs. The world’s greatest living physicist, Stephen Hawking, was a genius, who did not allow severe physical disability to daunt him or impede his reading and research. We can cite him as the perfect example of a sound mind that transcended and overcame the disadvantages of an unsound body.

Here are a few simple suggestions to release the Lord’s power of health and healing.

1. Cultivate the habit of wholesome thinking. Do not dwell on the illness or pain. Picture yourself as whole, healthy and happy.

2. Say your prayers with a positive mental attitude: God is the Source of infinite power and energy. Your positive prayer will help to channelise His power and energy into your well-being.

3. Believe and affirm constantly that God made your body for health and wholeness: He has put amazing powers of healing in our mind and bodies. When we cultivate the right mental attitude, the body will heal itself.

4. Always keep your mind filled with great life-affirming principles and words from the great scriptures: look up and think up!

Great thinkers and philosophers down the ages have different views on several issues but they have agreed unanimously on one point— we become what we think.

Dada J P Vaswani is a humanitarian, philosopher, educator, acclaimed writer, powerful orator, messiah of ahimsa, and non-sectarian spiritual leader


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