A 28-year-old man in Pune set himself on fire outside Wagholi Police Station on Tuesday morning. The incident took place around 11am.
The man has been identified as Rohidas Ashok Jadhav, a resident of Siddhi Apartment on Domkhel Road in Wagholi. Jadhav sustained 90% burns and has been admitted to a private hospital for treatment.
Senior Police Inspector Vishwajeet Kaingude of Lonikand Police Station provided insight into the incident, stating, "There was a dispute between two individuals residing in the same society in the Wagholi area regarding a parking issue. However, it's a non-cognizable matter, and we have already counseled both parties."
"Jadhav was pressuring us to arrest the other person. However, we have explained to him that in a non-cognizable matter, we cannot make arrests. He came to the Wagholi Police Station and set fire to himself. We have admitted him to the hospital."