Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader and Maharashtra Legislative Council (MLC) member Gopichand Padalkar visited Pune's Indapur on Saturday to attend the 'OBC Elgar Melava,' an event organised by Maharashtra Minister Chhagan Bhujbal. The gathering also saw the participation of Rashtriya Samaj Paksha (RSP) leader Mahadev Jankar and various prominent OBC leaders from the state.
Post the event, Padalkar visited a protest site adjacent to the area where Maratha activists were engaged in a chain hunger strike, demanding reservation. Upon Padalkar's arrival at the site, the Maratha activists reacted aggressively, chanting slogans against the BJP leader and even hurling chappals at him. A viral video of the incident is being circulated widely on social media platforms.
However, a local publication reported that the Maratha activists refuted the accusation of throwing chappals at Padalkar, asserting that those responsible for the act were individuals affiliated with Padalkar himself.
We also published the following article recently
FIR Lodged Against Unidentified Persons Three Years After Woman Was Found Dead On Parvati Hill
After an unidentified woman was discovered deceased near a dilapidated water tank on Parvati Hill on August 17, 2020, an initial examination suggested no visible injuries, leading authorities to register a case of accidental death. However, recent findings from a forensic report unveiled evidence of assault on the woman's head and chest by a blunt object, confirming a homicide.
Subsequently, an FIR was filed against unidentified individuals at the Parvati police station. Despite ongoing efforts, the woman's identity remains unknown, although a tattoo reading 'Surekha' is visible on her arm. Police urge anyone with relevant information to come forward and assist in identifying the victim.
The case is being investigated under the supervision of Senior Police Inspector Jairam Paigude and Crime Branch Inspector Vijay Khomane.