Timely intervention by an alert Maharashtra Security Force (MSF) personnel saved the life of a passenger who slipped and fell while boarding a moving local train at Pune Station. The CCTV clip of the incident was shared on the official X (formerly Twitter) handle of Central Railway's Pune Division on Thursday morning.
The 10-second clip begins with a man trying to board a moving train. As soon as the passenger falls on the platform, the MSF personnel named Digambar Desai springs into action and drags the man to safety. A few fellow passengers on the platform also helped Desai.
"Amidst the hustle at Pune Station, MSF staff Digambar Desai's quick action and bravery saved a passenger from a near-fatal accident on board train no. 11301 Udyan Express. A true testament to dedication to passenger service," the Pune Division wrote.
"Passengers are requested to avoid boarding or deboarding running trains. Your safety is our priority," it added.
Meanwhile, X users appreciated Desai and said he should be awarded for his bravery. "Please give the MSF staff an award and put the passenger behind bars for endangering the life of himself as well as others. He should be booked," a user wrote. "He saved a life. Please award him for his bravery," wrote another user.