Pune Police arrested Sachin Ashok Gaikwad (47), a resident of Mundhwa, on August 7 for allegedly stealing gold bangles, mobile phones, and other valuables from bus passengers. Gaikwad, who was detained at Vishrambaug Wada Police Station, fell unconscious and died on August 10 at the government-run Sassoon General Hospital.
According to the police, Gaikwad and Manohar Ramesh Mane (37) were arrested on August 7 in connection with a theft case and were presented at the Shivajinagar court. The court granted their remand until August 10, after which both accused were transferred to the lockup at Vishrambaug Wada Police Station.
Gaikwad was reportedly in good health until the evening of August 7. On the morning of August 8, he began feeling unwell. He was immediately taken to Sassoon Hospital, where he later died despite treatment.
Nand Kumar Gaikwad, Senior Police Inspector at Parvati Police Station, told The Free Press Journal, "The accused Gaikwad suddenly lost consciousness, prompting us to rush him to Sassoon Hospital for immediate medical attention. An MRI scan revealed a blood clot in his head, requiring urgent surgery. Despite the medical team's best efforts, he tragically passed away during the treatment."
He added, "Gaikwad had been arrested in a recent theft case, and there were multiple theft cases registered against him across various police stations in the city. The police had no role in his death. To ensure transparency, his funeral rituals were conducted in the presence of a judicial magistrate. The case will soon be transferred to the Crime Investigation Department (CID) for further investigation."