Ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, the State Excise Department in Pune has launched a campaign to crack down on the production, transportation, and sale of illegal liquor. Over the past two months, authorities have seized liquor valued at over ₹2 crore and made 411 arrests.
A dedicated team from the State Excise Pune Division conducted raids from January 1 to February 26, resulting in 426 cases being registered and 411 individuals apprehended. The operations led to the confiscation of 20,675 litres of locally brewed liquor, 761 litres of country liquor, 18,295 litres of foreign liquor, 138 litres of beer, and 1,823 litres of toddy. Additionally, 36 vehicles were seized.
In preparation for the elections, the State Excise Department has established 14 regular and 3 special teams to conduct spot checks.
"These teams will prioritise combating large-scale production, transportation, and sale of illegal liquor, along with addressing the sale of foreign liquor, illegal toddy, and liquor at unauthorised dhabas," an official said.
"To ensure compliance with state revenue regulations and retail license transactions within prescribed timelines, night patrolling and stringent action against liquor stock originating from outside the state are planned," he added.