Research scientist Vineet Kumar, who works at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) in Pune, provides valuable weather updates through his X (formerly Twitter) handle, which has been highly beneficial to Punekars. However, on Friday morning, Kumar announced that he would no longer be able to provide these updates due to "unavoidable circumstances and restrictions." He wrote, "This is to inform that due to unavoidable circumstances and restrictions, I will not be posting any weather updates from today onwards. Thank you all."
Following his announcement, X users in Pune expressed their concerns and questioned who might be restricting his public service. One user wrote, "That's very sad to hear for Pune. @vineet_tropmet has been providing the best short-term and long-term weather updates for #Pune, based on IMD forecasts and data. He has done a phenomenal job over the past few years, even when he was a researcher in Korea for a year. A HUGE service to Punekars... Can't thank him enough. Vineet - hope you can continue this, for the benefit of Pune."
Another user commented, "Disheartening to read this. The guy whom all Punekars trusted for weather forecasts will no longer be providing the free public service he has until now. We will all miss his updates. Thanks."
A third user suggested, "Please start a Telegram channel for updates. No one can stop you from continuing this phenomenal work!"
A fourth user added, "Vineet Sir, you are the most accurate weather interpreter for Pune; no one can match your work. Hope all is well."
In response to the reactions, Kumar posted a note that read, "A note for all: I am doing well health-wise, thank you all for your lovely messages. Please do not blame IMD or @Hosalikar_KS sir for my decision. It is because of IMD models, scientists, and IMD’s precious data that weather forecasting in India has significantly improved."
Check out the reactions below: