National Award-winning director Bhaurao Karhade, speaking at a press conference in Pimpri Chinchwad, opened up about his initial thoughts of quitting the film industry after his movie 'TDM' received only 120 shows while others enjoyed more extensive screenings. However, the overwhelming support from the audience in Maharashtra has paved the way for a second release of 'TDM,' scheduled for June 9.
Karhade said, "I was feeling done and considered going back to the village to work at one point in time. However, with overwhelming support from the audience in Maharashtra, the film is now set to hit theatres again."
Karhade thanks leaders
Karhade's concerns prompted Minister of Cultural Affairs Sudhir Mungantiwar to introduce new regulations in May requiring Marathi films to be exhibited for four weeks in a year or face a fine of Rs 10 Lakh, providing a boost to the director's morale. Karhade expressed gratitude to Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and Ajit Pawar for their unwavering support during this challenging period.
'TDM' stars Pruthviraj Thorat and Kalindi Nistane in the lead roles and marks Karhade's third directorial venture, following the success of 'Khwada,' which earned him prestigious accolades including the National Film Award Special Jury Award and the state award for Best Rural Director.