The Lashkar Police Station registered a case against Suraj M Patole, claiming to be a journalist residing in Ramtekdi, Hadapsar. He is alleged to have attempted extortion of ₹5,000 monthly from senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Rajesh Janardhan Shrigiri (55). The complainant approached the court and filed a complaint against the "journalist", who appears to run a weekly newspaper.
Shrigiri told The Free Press Journal, "There is a fake journalist racket that has extorted a lot of people in the city. Five to six more such journalists are roaming in the city and threatening people."
The complaint mentioned, "In the last month, some fake journalists tortured me, visiting my office in Camp area daily and demanding extortion money. I am planning to provide more fake journalist names to Pune police for necessary action."
According to police information, "The incident occurred at 24 East Street in Camp between December 20 and December 24. The FIR outlines that the accused visited Shrigiri’s office, threatening to expose an illegal gambling den operating there. He demanded ₹5,000 per month as 'hafta' (extortion) to refrain from publishing the news."
"The ‘journalist’ asserted that other businessmen were already paying him 'hafta', and Shrigiri must do the same. Following the threat, the journalist left the premises," the police added.
Patole has been booked for offences under sections 385 and 506 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).