Pune: Maharashtra Navnirman Sena supremo Raj Thackeray was scheduled to conduct a meeting with party officials on Sunday, March 3, to assess the Pune Lok Sabha constituency. He arrived at the party office in the afternoon, but the meeting did not commence due to the absence of many party officials. Consequently, an incensed Raj Thackeray left the office. However, party spokespersons have claimed that his departure was not fueled by anger.
During his visit to Pune, Raj Thackeray had decided to hold state assembly constituency-wise meetings in preparation for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls, aiming to better understand the party's ground situation. All officials were informed about the meeting, and Raj Thackeray reached the party office in Navi Peth around 2 PM. However, except for a few officials, no party workers or officials arrived on time, leading to a delay of more than half an hour. Media representatives gathered outside the office in anticipation of speaking to Raj Thackeray, but party officials informed them that he was not willing to interact with the media.
In response, Raj Thackeray questioned the officials angrily about why he was called to the office if they were not ready to start the meeting on time. He left the office in frustration and headed directly towards Mumbai. However, MNS Spokesperson Yogesh Khaire claimed that Raj Thackeray did not leave out of anger due to the meeting delay. He was engaged in discussions with some party organizers, but he was not receiving the expected information. Consequently, he asked them to better prepare and then discuss with the officials before rescheduling the meeting. Following this, he left the office. Mr. Khaire also mentioned that constituency-wise meetings did take place after Mr. Thackeray's departure.