Speaking as the chief guest of an award ceremony organised by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Jankalyan Samiti in Pune on Sunday, former Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan lauded the RSS for its "tireless efforts" across the country.
"The RSS has built a vast organisation in the country. It has endeavoured to nurture better human beings through this organisation. In its pursuits, the RSS has remained mindful that the entire society is its own," Mahajan expressed.
Mahajan further emphasised the importance of sustained efforts in social service, comparing the long-term impact to the fruition of hard work over time.
"Just as nurturing a fruit-bearing tree requires patience and consistent care, the RSS's commitment to social transformation reflects a dedication to nurturing the society towards a brighter future," she added.
"The RSS is translating the concept of social transformation into practical services," she concluded.