Pune's Jehangir Hospital has initiated a program to promote organ donation in collaboration with the Maharashtra government's Digital Health mission, MahaAyudaan, and the Centre's Angdan Mahotsav campaign.
Jehangir Hospital's Advanced Transplant Centre is facilitating organ donation registrations until June 19, 2024. This initiative aligns with the hospital's mission to advance organ donation and encourage active participation in life-saving endeavours.
The program aims to provide crucial support to individuals facing challenges in finding suitable organ donors due to long waiting lists. It seeks to bridge the gap between those in need of organ transplants and potential donors.
According to Dr Shriniwas Ambike, a nephrologist and transplant surgeon, "This initiative has the potential to save the lives of numerous individuals, and active participation signifies a significant stride for any individual."
"Jehangir is embarking on this initiative with the goal of effecting change, as symbolised by our commitment to #PledgeForADifference. Even beyond an individual's lifetime, the act of donating organs and tissues holds the power to bring about transformation by potentially saving lives," said Dr. Parimal Lawate, a gastroenterologist.
"Donating an organ after death is not just the physical act of giving an unwanted body part; it is about celebrating your life. It shows that you value your life and want it to continue. I appeal to everyone to come forward and pledge your organs," says Vrinda Pusalkar, transplant coordinator.