Pune's former mayor Muralidhar Mohol announced on Friday that an international children's film festival will be organised in the city from next year, and the children of Pune will get an opportunity to watch children's films from different countries.
He was speaking as the chief guest at the inauguration of Children's Film Festival that is being held at City Pride Kothrud from April 19 to 25. The event was attended by Krishna Kumar Goyal of Kohinoor Group, Praveen Bhadekar of Bhadekar Group, and Arvind Chafalkar of City Pride Kothrud.
Child actor Sharva Gadgil, who played the role of little Shyam in the movie Shyamchi Aai, was also present. Children released balloons in the air to inaugurate the event. There was a huge crowd of children and parents.
"I was very happy to see so many of my age gathered to watch the film Shyamchi Aai in which I played a role," said Sharva Gadgil. He expressed his opinion that it was overwhelming to see that all the films in the children's film festival are house full.
Goyal said, "All the children who came to watch the movie Shyamchi Aai today are lucky because the child actor who is the hero of the movie is with them."
In the beginning, Sunil Mahajan, president of the convenor Samvad Pune, welcomed everyone and said, "I have been organising children's film festival for the past 25 years. For the past 25 years, the heart has been filled with the overwhelming response given by the children of Pune and their parents."
The festival kicked off with Shyamchi Aai, directed by Sujay Dahake, celebrated for its timeless appeal among Marathi audiences. Concluding the event will be a session by Mahesh Kothare, a veteran actor who started his journey as a child artist.
Highlighted films include Amar Deokar's Mhorkya, recipient of the Best Children's Film award at the 65th National Film Festival, and Niyaz Mujavar's Tajmaal, honored with the National Award for Best Film on National Integration.
Gypsy by Shashi Khandare, recognised for Pune's child actor Kabir Khandare's special jury award at the Pune International Film Festival, promises to enthrall audiences.
Additionally, Well Done Boys directed by Prakash Jadhav and Ubuntu directed by Pushkar Shrotri, featuring Mohan Joshi and Vijay Patkar, offer delightful viewing experiences.