A distressing incident has come to light involving the repeated rape of a former Pune corporator, who faced threats of disseminating explicit videos and photos. The accused, 43-year-old Sachin Machindra Kakade from Santoshnagar in Katraj, now faces rape charges. The 40-year-old victim has filed a complaint with the Parvati police station, alleging that this abuse had been ongoing since 2017.
According to the police, Sachin Kakade is accused of exploiting the victim and committing multiple instances of rape. He used the threat of publicly sharing explicit material to tarnish the victim's reputation. Additionally, the accused demanded money from the victim and warned her that he would reveal the matter to her husband if she failed to comply. Over the course of six years, from 2017 to May 1, 2023, the accused allegedly extorted ₹10 lakh from the victim.
On October 2, the accused reportedly visited the victim's residence at 8am and physically assaulted her, expressing his dissatisfaction with her decision to remarry and attributing his marital problems to her. The investigation into this matter is currently under the purview of Sub-Inspector of Police Sachin Nikalje.