In a devastating incident, a six-year-old girl lost her life after drowning in the swimming pool adjacent to the sliding bridge at the renowned sentosa Hotel's water park, located near the expressway in Ravet, in Pimpri Chinchwad. Subsequently, a case has been filed against the hotel's manager, supervisor, and staff at the Ravet police station.
The accused individuals involved in the case are Manager Ajay Harilal Hinduja, Supervisor Sagar Bhagwan Kale, and Rahul Aba More (of Rest. Rawet, Pune) on Wednesday. Kale and More have been taken into custody in relation to this incident. The unfortunate event occurred on June 12, initially prompting a case of Accidental death to be registered. However, the police revealed that a case has been filed against the three individuals due to alleged mismanagement and negligence at the hotel.
According to the police investigation, the six-year-old girl, accompanied by her mother and brothers aged 15 and 16, was on a picnic at Sentosa Water Park. While enjoying their time in the Water Park section, it was observed that the security guards, appointed by the hotel's owner and manager, was negligently not fulfilling their responsibility to ensure the security of the area. Furthermore, the absence of life jackets, lack of guidelines pertaining to child safety, and failure to install safety railings alongside the elevated side of the swimming pool contributed to the unfortunate incident where the young girl fell into the water and drowned near the sliding bridge.
Police sub-inspector S Tedkar is presently conducting further investigations into this distressing matter, aiming to ascertain the full extent of the circumstances surrounding the incident.