Nashik: In anticipation of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, police officers and executives are undergoing specialized training to effectively manage potential challenges. Alongside, proactive measures are being implemented to curb criminal activities, with a focus on preventing any disruptions during the electoral process. Coordinating officers are being appointed at police stations to spearhead preventive actions against criminals, particularly targeting innkeepers and individuals engaged in anti-social behavior.
Under the directives of Police Commissioner Sandeep Karnik, Deputy Commissioners Kiran Kumar Chavan, Prashant Bachhav, and Monica Raut have instructed their departmental officers to ramp up preventive measures. Teams comprising Assistant Commissioners of Police and Senior Police Inspectors are actively engaged in identifying and addressing potential threats. Additionally, crime investigation units have been directed to apprehend suspects promptly.
Anticipating an uptick in criminal activities during the election period, the police are proactively preparing a list of known offenders and proposing preventive actions against them. Coordinating officers, led by the crime inspector of each police station, will oversee the monitoring of suspects and recommend appropriate measures, including deportation, MPDA (Maharashtra Prevention of Dangerous Activities Act), and MCOCA (Maharashtra Control of Organized Crime Act). Beat marshals will also play a crucial role in implementing preventive actions within their respective jurisdictions.
Moreover, there are indications that stringent actions will be proposed against innkeepers who may facilitate illicit activities. The offices of Deputy Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners of Police will collaborate to enforce measures aimed at maintaining law and order in the city, especially in the run-up to the elections.
These proactive initiatives underscore the commitment of the police department to uphold public safety and ensure the smooth conduct of the electoral process, safeguarding the democratic rights of citizens.