In its recent budget, the Maharashtra government launched the 'Ladki Bahin Yojana.' Under this scheme, women aged 21-65 with a family income of less than ₹2.5 lakh will receive ₹1,500 in monthly aid.
Later, the government announced the 'Ladka Bhau Yojana.' Under this scheme, the government intends to provide on-job training and financial support to young men to tackle unemployment. During the training period, youths will receive monthly stipends based on educational qualifications: ₹6,000 for Class 12 graduates, ₹8,000 for diploma holders, and ₹10,000 for bachelor's degree holders.
Meanwhile, in a hilarious spin on these schemes, a hotel in Pune's Baramati has advertised the 'Ladki Sunbai Yojana.' According to the advertisement hoarding, the sunbai (daughter-in-law) will receive a free meal when accompanied by her sasubai (mother-in-law).
This scheme also has rules and regulations. It is essential to bring the sasubai to the hotel to avail of this offer. The thali that the sasubai takes will be the same thali that the sunbai receives. Additionally, at least five family members must visit the hotel for the scheme to be valid.
So, what are you waiting for? Go avail yourself of this scrumptious meal, just like you would with the government schemes!