Doctors in Pune took to the streets on Wednesday to protest against the alleged rape and murder of a second-year PG student from RG Kar Medical College in Kolkata. The Stree Mukti League and the Progressive Doctors League organised the protest in front of the Collector's Office at around 10am.
Dr Archana Thosar of the Women's Progressive Doctors League said, “The recent incident in Kolkata has raised questions regarding the safety of female doctors. Shockingly, the incident occurred on the premises of a medical institution. Procrastination and inadequate investigation often happen in such cases. Attacks on women are on the rise, and protection provisions are very few. Increasing patient-doctor conflict, fuelled by a growing sense of rejection among patients as medical services are privatised, is also giving rise to violence against doctors in other ways.”
“The incident is a consequence of the anti-women mindset nurtured by this very system. I strongly condemn this incident and demand the harshest punishment for the culprits. However, mere security measures and stringent punishments for the perpetrators will not put an end to such crimes against women. To achieve this, we must eradicate the deeply entrenched misogynistic ideologies and patriarchy from their roots. This requires advancing the fight against male dominance, and we must launch a street-level battle against the mentality that views women as objects of consumption. Today, the capitalist market culture contributes to the nurturing of anti-women ideologies, presenting women as objects of consumption. The media also consistently engages in the commodification of the female body. Therefore, without a prolonged street-level fight against this capitalist patriarchy and by forming groups like the Durga Vahini Squad to teach a lesson to those who perpetrate atrocities against women, such crimes will not cease. Incidents of attacks on women have significantly increased, whether it is for refusing marriage, declining a relationship, or merely to satisfy one's lust,” said Dr Jaywardhan of the Progressive Doctors League.
What are their demands?
All the accused should be promptly arrested and punished.
Strict action must be taken against the authorities who attempted to cover up the incident.
A fast-track court should be set up to deliver speedy justice to the guilty.
The Home Minister of West Bengal should resign immediately.
Strict security measures should be implemented in all workplaces and surrounding areas.
All resident doctors should receive necessary facilities like toilets, study areas, water, and food at their place of work.
The government should take steps to ensure women's safety, including night police patrolling, workplace safety, and safety in passenger vehicles.