In a heartwarming gesture, a Damini Marshal in Shastri Nagar discovered a few-month-old child crying near Kothrud Depot. Responding promptly, the marshal, who happened to be a new mother herself, wrapped the baby in warm clothes, provided nourishing milk, and gently patted the child to sleep before taking him to a nearby police station.
The Pune City Police shared details of the incident on X (formerly Twitter), commending the compassionate gesture of the Damini Marshal. The marshal's maternal instincts kicked in, showcasing the dedication of these volunteers. The police later identified the child through circulated pictures and found a missing complaint lodged at the Bundgarden Police Station.
On social media, users praised the Damini Marshal for her heartwarming response. Comments flooded in, expressing admiration for the marshal's compassion. "Absolutely fantastic work by Damini Marshal. Khup chaan," wrote one user. Another said, "Great job. Kudos. Salute to your devotion and dedication."
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