On the occasion of the birth anniversary of the late MLA Vinayak Nimhan, the renowned Someshwar Foundation in Pune has launched the "Karyasmrat Free Maha-Arogya Shibir" on July 22. The first phase of the camp has been completed, and the second phase started on July 29. Health centers have been set up at 36 locations from Shivajinagar to Pashan, Someshwarwadi. These centers offer a range of services including pre-examination, primary treatment, ECG, blood and urine tests, sonography, X-ray, TMT (treadmill test), and stress tests. The camp provides comprehensive check-ups and surgeries at one location for those in need.
The health centers were inaugurated by former corporator Datta Bahirat, former deputy mayor Mukari Algude, former corporator Aditya Malve, Rajshree Kale, and social workers Mangala Patil, Sunil Shirole, Shailesh Badde, Iqbal Sheikh, Anil Bahirat, Satish Chavan, and Atul Bahirat, among others.
Third phase to be held on Aug 4
The third phase, the main camp, will be held on August 4 at Government Agriculture College Ground, Sinchan Nagar, Shivajinagar, from 9am to 4pm. The camp will feature consultations, examinations, and medication by world-renowned doctors. Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis will inaugurate the camp, and Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar will chair the event. Other notable guests include Minister of State for Civil Aviation and Cooperatives Muralidhar Mohol, Deputy Speaker of the Maharashtra Legislative Council Nilam Gorhe, Minister of Higher and Technical Education Chandrakant Patil, Leader of Opposition Vijay Wadettiwar, Minister of Rural Development Girish Mahajan, Minister of Medical Education Hasan Mushrif, Minister of Agriculture Dhananjay Mundhe, Minister of Health Tanaji Sawant, Minister of Industries Uday Samant, Shiv Sena deputy leader Sachin Ahir, MP Supriya Sule, MP Amol Kolhe, and various Pune MLAs and former corporators.
Camp at glance
- Comprehensive free health check-ups and treatments, including Allopathy, AYUSH (Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Yoga, Unani), and Dentistry
- Renowned expert doctors will be present, including Dr Tatyasaheb Lahne, Dr Wakankar, Dr Gautam Bhansali, Dr Ramakant Deshpande, Dr KH Sancheti, Dr Vikas Mahatme, Dr Yashraj Patil, Dr Ajay Chandanwale, Dr Sanjay Kumar Tambe, Dr Jagannath Dixit, Dr Amit Maydev, and Dr Ajay Chaurasia
- Treatment for various diseases across 80 outpatient rooms, including AYUSH, Ophthalmology, Dentistry, ENT, General Medicine, General Surgery, Heart Disease, Respiratory Disorders, Kidney Disease, Plastic Surgery, Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Orthopedics, Genetic Disorders, Cancer, Obesity, Geriatric Examination, Dementia, Psychiatry, and Meningitis
- Free blood and urine tests, ECG, Mammography, PFT, and BMD
- Free distribution of prosthetic limbs, spectacles, elderly canes, blind canes, handicapped materials, hearing aids, and dental braces based on registration
- Emergency services including cardiac ambulances, general ambulances, fire engines, patient stretchers, and wheelchairs
- Free refreshments and food for all patients and their relatives
Organiser Someshwar Foundation, Pune, and convenor former corporator Sunny Vinayak Nimhan have urged all citizens to take advantage of this valuable opportunity. For more information, needy citizens can contact 8308123555.