Maratha quota activists on Monday shouted slogans and tried to stop the car of Congress-turned BJP leader Ashok Chavan in Kondha village in Nanded. Chavan was on his way to meet people in Naigaon taluka when the incident took place in the morning. A video showed quota activists shouting slogans and trying to stop his car before police took control of the situation and the vehicle moved ahead.
In a video message, Chavan said every politician has the right to meet people and asserted he had worked for the cause of Maratha reservation. Watch the video here:
"If some people are shouting slogans, let them do it. Some persons from a few political parties are creating misunderstanding. Earlier, (Maratha quota activist Manoj) Jarange had said they don't want to indulge in politics. But some people are trying to defame the quota movement," the BJP Rajya Sabha MP said.