A day after a group of BJP workers threw ink and broke the windows of a car in which journalist Nikhil Wagle was travelling in Pune, Nikhil Wagle took to X (formerly known as Twitter) and posted his first reaction to the incident. Calling it a cowardly attack, he said that he is ready to risk his life to save India from becoming a Hindu pakistan.
The post that is in Marathi after translation says, "Yesterday death stood at the door. I survived only because of your love. Asim Sarode, who did not back down even if the broken glass fell to avoid hurting me, Vaibhav, our charioteer who risked his life to drive our car, Ad Shriya who took the attack from the front seat, Vishwambhar who supported me till the end, Bunty who fought the attackers with two hands on the road, Bhakti Kumbar. And how can I repay the debt of countless activists? Rahul Dambale, who played hands with the BJP goon, Prashantada Jagtap's Kumak.. Nitin Vaidya who took the risk to bring me to Mumbai.. Let's name someone?"
He said, "I am indebted to everyone. Digested six attacks so far. Yesterday's attack was the worst. Stones, sticks, hockey sticks, rods, eggs, ink were all used. We were chased four times in just half an hour and surrounded. The attack took place with the connivance of the police. It is my belief that we all survived yesterday only with the blessings of Phule-Ambedkar. Now the next life is for you. We will conquer Maharashtra to defeat fascism."
He further wrote, "We have no culture to fear such cowardly attacks. I am saying here that I will risk my life again so that this country does not become a Hindu Pakistan. I can never repay all of you. You all worked hard to make yesterday's meeting a success..how can we thank you? Does not call much. Still not recovered from yesterday's shock. After talking to you in detail in the evening"
A video of the incident purportedly showed BJP workers surrounding the car, throwing ink at the vehicle and breaking its windscreen and window panes with rods. The mob was also heard chanting 'Jai Shri Ram'.