It is not only the common man who faces bumpy rides due to poor road conditions but also the chief minister. A video has surfaced on social media where the convoy of Maharashtra's chief minister Eknath Shinde is running very slowly because of the potholes. The video is said to be of Friday when Shinde visited Bhiwandi in Thane district to inspect the road repair works.
In the video that has surfaced on the internet, it can be seen that the chief minister's convoy is crossing a flyover. However, the vehicles are seen struggling to drive on the pothole-filled road and can be seen moving at a very slow pace. The vehicle in which Eknath Shinde sits arrives after a couple of other vehicles from the convoy. The SUVs are also finding it difficult to drive in one lane and slowly managing to cover pothole-ridden flyover.
On Friday, August 9, CM Eknath Shinde was scheduled to visit Thane district to inspect traffic congestion and road works. Later on Friday, Shinde cited the severe deterioration of the Nashik-Bhiwandi road due to the monsoon.
He issued urgent directives for the repair of potholes on major highways including the Thane-Nashik and Mumbai-Ahmedabad routes. He stressed that repairs should be executed swiftly and with adherence to high standards. He also called for the use of precast panels where repair timelines are extended. Any hindrance to the repair work should result in criminal charges against the obstructors.