Mumbai: Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis assured the state legislature on Thursday that the roles of Rashesh Shah and his company ARC Edelweiss will be probed in connection with suicide of famous art director Nitin Desai.
Mumbai BJP president MLA Adv Ashish Shelar raised the issue in the house through a point of order and demanded the probe.
Case to be probed from all angles
“Nitin Chandrakant Desai had made a name for himself in the field of art direction with his sheer talent and his accomplishments. It is tragic that the winner of four National Awards had to end his life in this manner. He had taken a loan of ₹180 crore on the ND Studio which rose to ₹252 crore.
"This brings forth the functioning of the lending system by one Rashesh Shah and ‘ARC Edelweiss’ Company. And hence, this case must not be investigated only from an angle of an accidental death but a special team must be deployed to investigate into the interest rate levied, the rate at which this interest escalates every year, the recovery methods deployed by companies who lend in this manner and many such issues. Only then will justice be done unto Nitin Chandrakant Desai,” Shelar said while putting forth the motion.
Lending company Rashesh Shah under scanner
Several other members too expressed similar sentiments. DCM Fadnavis then assured the House of appropriate action in the case while stating that the roles of Rashesh Shah and ARC Edelweiss in connection with the suicide of Desai will be probed.
Shelar said that he is also aware of two more cases against this modern-day money lending company and that the same will be submitted to the home minister. Fadnavis, who is also the home minister then reassured the house that the case will be thoroughly investigated.