The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), Goa, has busted a drug trafficking network and arrested two friends in connection with the case. One of them, J Singh, was allegedly caught with 532 grams of methamphetamine worth Rs53 lakh. He returned to India last year after working abroad. The other accused has been identified as R Singh. Though both of them hail from Rajasthan, the latter lives in Goa.
According to the NCB, it received a tip-off that an interstate syndicate was looking for a window to supply narcotics in Goa amid heightened security due to the upcoming Lok Sabha polls. Accordingly, various intelligence sources were alerted. Soon, information was received that J Singh had reached Goa from Rajasthan a few days ago. The agency later got an input that he was trying to conclude a drug deal under the guise of a business trip.
J Singh was located around Candolim and once physically identified, a discreet round the clock surveillance was mounted upon him, officials said. “On March 27, he was intercepted with methamphetamine. A vehicle, which was being used for drug deliveries, was also seized from the spot,” said an NCB official. His interrogation led to the whereabouts of R Singh, who was providing logistical support to the drug network. J Singh was in need of quick money and was convinced that he could earn more through the drug business. He motivated his long-time friend R Singh to enter the illicit trade, the official added.