A devastating incident unfolded at St. Mary's Multipurpose High School and Junior College in Vashi, as an 11-year-old girl was discovered lifeless in the school's restroom on Saturday morning. The distressing event came to light when a cleaning staff member entered the toilet and found the unconscious girl.
Preliminary investigations suggest that the student may have passed away due to an illness. However, the Vashi police have initiated a thorough investigation to determine the circumstances surrounding the tragedy.
The young girl has been identified as Mugdha Mahendra Kadam, a resident of Koparkhairane. On Saturday, like any other day, Mugdha attended school as usual. During a break at around 10 am, she went to the third-floor restroom. Concern arose when she failed to return to class, prompting her classmates to inform the teacher about her absence.
Alarmed by the situation, the class teacher initiated a search for Mugdha. Meanwhile, the cleaning staff proceeded with their routine cleaning duties, which included visiting the third-floor restroom. To their surprise, one of the toilet doors was locked from the inside, with no response from within. Sensing the urgency, several teachers hurried to the third-floor restroom upon being informed by the cleaning staff. Upon forcibly opening the door, they discovered the young student unconscious.
Acting swiftly, the teachers immediately rushed Mugdha to the Municipal Hospital for medical assistance. Tragically, doctors declared her deceased prior to her admission. Upon receiving news of the incident, the Vashi police promptly arrived at the school premises. They have registered a case of sudden death and launched a comprehensive investigation into the matter.