Mumbai will witness two more days of hot and humid weather with the temperature reaching above 37 degrees Celsius. The discomfort level has been on the rise in the city with citizens experiencing the scorching heat, while animal activists have said the birds and animals in the city are highly prone to getting dehydrated leading to shock and death at several places.
India Meteorological Department (IMD), has predicted temperatures to soar above 37 degrees Celsius till Thursday.
High humid conditions during day time
"The month of March felt cooler towards the end due to the westerly winds which decreased the temperature but now we are facing the easterly winds which bring warm temperatures. This is normal, Mumbai faces high humidity in the months of April and May which increases the discomfort levels," said IMD official Sushma Nair.
According to IMD, the skies are predicted to remain partly cloudy, leading up to high humid conditions during the day time, added the India Meteorological Department. The difference between the minimum and maximum temperature is also less which is the reason behind the hot and humid condition to continue even during late night hours, added the official.
Animals, birds facing dehydration
The animals and birds are also facing dehydration due to the warm weather says Pawan Sharma, founder of RAWW (Resqink Association for Wildlife Welfare), "Birds and animals get dehydrated and at times it leads to shock, because of which they fall on the ground and if timely help is not given, it may also lead to death. As citizens one can keep water outside for them but it should be done responsibly, the water should be clean and changed regularly," he said.
"In extreme conditions, the citizens should alert the forest department so that the animal can be saved," he added.
Mumbai temperature
On Monday, Santacruz witnessed a minimum temperature of 25.8 degrees Celsius and a maximum of 36.7 degrees Celsius, with 75% relative humidity. Colaba experienced a minimum temperature of 26.0 degrees Celsius and a maximum of 34.8 degrees Celsius, with 82% relative humidity.