Mumbai Guardian Minister Deepak Kesarkar is set to visit beaches in the city on Thursday as the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) takes steps to enhance beach cleanliness. Plastic bottles and garbage washed ashore by currents have marred the beauty of Mumbai's tourist spots. To tackle this issue, the BMC's Solid Waste Management (SWM) department has acquired two sand cleaning machines and one Bobcat machine. Presently, these machines are in operation at Mahim and Dadar beaches.
"The machines are deployed on beaches during low tide to ensure effective cleaning. We are actively seeking funds from the District Planning and Development Committee (DPDC) for acquiring more machines," stated a civic official. Kesarkar emphasised the need for cleanliness, saying, "Plastic, especially bottles, is carried from the Mithi river to Mahim beach, tarnishing our beaches, which are significant tourist attractions. I have directed the BMC to utilize sand cleaning machines to restore the pristine beauty of our beaches. I will personally inspect Mahim and Girgaon beaches." The beach cleaning machines are designed to filter sand and remove microplastics, contributing to a cleaner environment.