The Kandivali police have booked Jayesh Shah, Ketan Shah, Gaurav Shah, and Bhavy Shah, directors of the Ravi Group, for allegedly cheating. The accused took Rs.68.10 lakhs from Ashishkumar Jha, 38, for selling a flat but did not provide the flat. Jha filed a case with the Kandivali police station, leading the police to register a case under sections 34 (common intention), 406 (breach of trust), and 420 (cheating and dishonesty) of the Indian Penal Code on August 2, and issued a notice to the accused.
According to the police report, Ketan and Gaurav are Jayesh Shah's sons, and Bhavy Shah is the son of Jayesh's brother. The Shah family operated a real estate company named Ravi Group. Jha resides in Powai and works in the education sector. In 2011, Jha decided to purchase a flat on Mira Road. He learned that Ravi Group's project was ongoing on Mira Road. Subsequently, he visited Ravi Group's office in Kandivali West and inquired about the flat. He decided to purchase a flat in Ravi Group's project and booked a one BHK flat for Rs. 26.24 lakhs. In the same year, Jha gave Rs. 4.05 lakhs to the developers via various cheques.
The developers did not build the building, and consequently, Jha asked for his money to be returned. The developers promised him that they would sell him a flat from another project. Jha agreed, and the developers told him he would pay the amount step by step as the project developed. Between 2013 to 2018, Jha paid a total of Rs. 23.82 lakhs via cheques in various instalments. The project was completed, but the developers did not sell a flat to Jha, so Jha asked for his money to be returned. The developers then convinced him that they would provide him with a three BHK flat costing Rs. 74.49 lakhs. Jha, realizing they would not return his money, agreed to this arrangement. In 2019, Jha gave more money to the developers for the bigger flat, totalling Rs. 68.10 lakhs.
Jha continuously inquired about the registration, but the developers evaded it. Later, Jha discovered that the project's work had stopped. When Jha confronted the developers, they assured him of providing rent but did not comply and again tried to convince him to take a flat on another project. Jha discovered that the project was not registered with the RERA (Real Estate Regulation and Development) Act. Eventually, Jha approached the police and filed a complaint against the developers.