Suspended BJP MLA from Telangana, T Raja Singh, was booked by the Dadar police on March 27, nearly two months after he delivered an alleged hate speech at a protest march in central Mumbai on January 29.
The march was organised by Sakal Hindu Samaj from Shivaji Park to Maharashtra State Labor Welfare Board office in Dadar for safety and dignity of women and to discuss various issues faced by the Hindu community. The march was allowed by the police and later a rally was held wherein Singh delivered a speech that went viral on several social media platforms.
Singh booked for making provocative statements
A case was registered four days after the speech. It was examined by the Dadar police, who have mentioned two social media links in the FIR. Singh, former MLA from Goshamahal in Telangana, has been booked under Indian Penal Code section 153A(I)(a) for allegedly making provocative statements aimed at a community, an official said.
In August last year, the BJP had suspended Singh for his controversial remarks allegedly aimed at a particular community