Mumbai: The Borivali police have initiated legal action against a suspect for allegedly engaging in fraudulent activities by offering flats at discounted rates within the MHADA housing scheme. An individual residing adjacent to the complainant facilitated a meeting with a purported MHADA intermediary, who subsequently promised to secure a reasonably priced apartment in the Mahavir Nagar area of Kandivali.
However, upon receiving the allocation letter, the complainant realized they had fallen victim to deception. According to Borivali police sources, in August 2022, Sarvnan, a neighbor of the complainant Kavita Durai, introduced her to Ganesh Vitthal Dalvi, allegedly representing MHADA and offering flats at reduced rates. Subsequently, Durai agreed to purchase a property in Mahavir Nagar, Kandivali, for Rs 42 lakh.
In a gesture of commitment, Durai transferred Rs 30,000 via Google Pay as a token, followed by a substantial payment of nearly Rs 8 Lakh upon receiving an allocation letter from Dalvi via WhatsApp. Initially, the receipt of the letter brought some relief to Durai. However, her hopes were shattered when she visited the address specified in the letter, only to find no trace of the purported flat. Further inquiry at the MHADA office confirmed the falsity of the letter, leaving Durai utterly dismayed.
Upon discovering the fraudulent nature of the allocation letter, Durai promptly approached the Borivali police and lodged a formal complaint. Subsequent investigation led to the filing of an FIR against the accused Dalvi. A Borivali police station official disclosed that upon confrontation, Dalvi adamantly insisted on the authenticity of the appointment letter, despite clear evidence to the contrary.