Mumbai: The 40-year-old accused who was arrested on Monday for allegedly killing a 24-year-old air hostess by slitting her neck at her apartment, was presented in Andheri local court on Tuesday by the police. During the trial, the accused, Vikram Atval, a housekeeper and a resident of Tunga Village in Chandivali, Powai, reportedly confessed that he intended to rape the victim but it was not successfully as she overpowered him physically. After hearing the matter, the court remanded the accused to police custody for three days.
The matter had first come to light on Sunday night, at 11 pm, after the victim's friends forced opened her apartment flat to find her dead near the bathroom. The police soon began the investigation to find the killer, and after questioning 45 individuals, inquiring with them, they managed to get through the accused, after 14 hours. Atval, who worked for an agency that looked into the cleaning business at households, confessed to committing the crime - but before he confessed police found blood spatters all over his clothes while he was arrested from his house.
Accused Killed Her Following A Spat
After grilling him for hours, Atval further confessed that he had a "spat" two days before the crime, on Friday, with the victim, Rupal Ogrey. The spat was where the victim "yelled" at him for not doing his job properly which irked the accused. "With an intention to rape her he went to victim's house, while carrying a sharp object in his pocket. He first pushed the victim to ground to rape her, but all of it was futile as the victim strongly defended herself. She pushed him, hit him with her hands and kicked him - basically overpowered him physically. The accused has scratch marks all over his body to substantiate this version. While the victim tried to escape by going near the main door exit, he panicked and slit her neck to silence her - which led to her death," said a senior-level police official to the FPJ.
Despite checking the accused's house, and the crime spot, the weapon used in the murder is yet to be discovered by the police.
No Signs Of Sexual Assault Found: Police
Meanwhile, on Tuesday, DCP Datta Nalawade, Zone 10, confirmed that the postmortem report of the deceased's body was released by Rajawadi hospital. He mentioned that the report rules out any trace of sexual assault or rape on the victim's body. The police during the court trial asked for police custody reasoning that they want to conduct a medical examination on the accused as well to complete rule out the possibility of sexual assault in any kind - if found, it can be proof of the commission of the crime. The injury marks on the accused's body too will be inspected during this medical test.
The body of the victim was handed over to the family on Tuesday, who took it back to Chattisgarh, her native place, for final rites.