The India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Friday confirmed that the monsoon has withdrawn from Mumbai. In the last 72 hours, there has been no rainfall in the city and suburbs, while the weather has remained mostly humid. Interestingly, monsoon retreated from Pune and Nagpur on the same day, said the weather bureau, adding that there has been complete withdrawal from 45% of Maharashtra.
Currently, South Konkan, Goa, Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg have prevailing conditions favouring monsoon. Monsoon prevailing in the remaining regions is expected to retreat soon, informed the IMD. The withdrawal in other areas of Maharashtra and some parts of Telangana, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh is likely in the next two-three days, it said.
Monsoon in Mumbai this year
The late onset of monsoon this year had kept the city on edges as water stock continued to dip drastically. The BMC even imposed a 10% cut owing to the grim situation. However, the rains gathered pace in July and finally shored up seven lakes supplying water to the city. By July-end two-third of the seasons rainfall had been recorded.
The threat of water crisis again started to loom large in Mumbai owing to the extended dry spell in August, when it felt like April heat and humidity, unleashing viral infections and rise in malaria and dengue cases. After a month-long hiatus, September rains gave muchneeded relief and now the city has enough stock to tide over an entire year, until next monsoon. All’s well that ends well!