Mumbai: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Friday conducted raids on a film firm, Qureshi Production House, in connection with the Mahadev online betting case. The raids on the premises of the firm’s board of directors were underway in Andheri and a few other locations late on Friday night.
Vaseem Qureshi of the film firm is being questioned by the ED and his travel details and finances are being verified.
Production house received funds from app promoters
According to ED sources, Qureshi Productions received funds from Mahadev app promoters, Sourabh Chandrakar and Ravi Uppal, to make films. Last year, the production house announced a periodic film on Shivaji Maharaj with prominent actors. They also revealed that Sanjay Manjrekar would direct it and that pre-production is underway.
Quereshi Productions' recent launch
Additionally, they recently launched a new music label, offering opportunities to fresh singers, music composers, lyricists, and actors. Several video songs of newcomers are viral on the social media platforms of the firm. Qureshi Productions also successfully completed the first season of the reality show 'Mr and Miss 7 States’, which aired on MTV India & MTV Beats.
According to reliable sources, the suspicious source of funds for this venture is allegedly linked to Chandrakar and Uppal.