At six years and five months, Arishka Laddha has achieved a remarkable feat — she has become the youngest ever to scale the Mount Everest Base Camp, which is located at a staggering height of more than 17,500 feet.
“6 yr old #ArishkaLaddha has made history by climbing Mt. Everest Base Camp located at a height of more than 17,500 ft in 15 days. She undertook the treacherous journey donning 7-8 layers of clothing and hopes to reach the summit in the times to come. Way to go girl!” read the caption of an Instagram post by Ministry of Culture’s Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.
Look at the post below:
Arishka and her mother, Dimple began their journey on April 8, 2023 and travelled the entire distance in 15 days while donning seven layers of clothing at a temperature ranging from minus 3 to minus 17 degrees.
Dimple, 34, a marathon runner told The Indian Express that the ‘treacherous journey’ was “almost no big deal” for the Pune resident and that she took her daughter to a camp without much training adding, "When we reached atop, she was feeling so happy; that is all I wanted her to experience.”
Arishka Laddha with her mother Dimple | Instagram- Arishka Laddha
Dimple revealed that Arishka, a class two student, can easily walk 7-8 kilometres ever since the age of four, and has also been hiking hills in and around Pune and that she plans to enroll Arishka in mountaineering clubs if she shows an inclination.
Dimple also opened up about scaling the camp after two C-sections deliveries, stating that she wishes to be a role model for women who think that their desires are cut short after motherhood.