Khargone (Madhya Pradesh): Following the peaceful conclusion of the assembly elections, the public hearings resumed at the Collectorate on Tuesday. Collector Karmaveer Sharma spearheaded the proceedings, diligently addressing the concerns of applicants and issuing directives for prompt resolutions.
Collector Sharma introduced innovative measures aimed at enhancing the efficacy of the public hearing process- the registration of applications through an online portal, with weekly reviews during the TL meetings held every Monday.
In a bid to assist citizens from remote and tribal regions, arrangements have been made to offer free application-writing services during the public hearings.
Sociology students from local colleges and MSW (Master of Social Work) students have volunteered to assist illiterate applicants, thereby fostering practical knowledge engagement among the students.
During the hearing, Monika Lohar from Govindpura Ward No 04, Maheshwar made an application regarding pending wages with Maheshwar Municipality. Collector Sharma promptly instructed the Project Officer of the Urban Development Agency and the CMO of the civic body to take necessary actions.
Similarly, another applicant named Champabai, an elderly resident from street number 02 Vallabh Nagar Khargone made a complaint against her neighbours, alleging disturbance. In response, Collector Sharma directed Khargone SDM to take immediate remedial measures to address the situation.