Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh): On the sixth day of Shrimad Bhagwat Gyan Yagya the spokesperson of Bhagwat Tatva and Peethadhishwar Swami Vidyanand Saraswati of Shri Sadguru Dham Ashram, Barumal (Gujarat), explained Vatsalya Leela of Lord Shri Krishna.
The discourse is being organised at Shri Swaminarayan Ashram near Triveni. Swami explained Shri Krishna’s Vatsalya Leela through Mother Yashoda and Gopis and explained the Narayan form of Shri Krishna.
He said that love without service and dedication is incomplete. Love is strengthened by dedication. Describing the form of Krishna, he said that Narayan in Krishna or Krishna in Narayan is the same, there cannot be any difference.
Those who know the Self become free from grief. Violent people also become non-violent in the company of sants and mahatmas, there is no discrimination there.
Vidyanand Saraswati further said, Nowadays no one accepts his mistake in the world and in practice, he only blames others for it. The worldly mind is always attracted towards gold and women.