Guna (Madhya Pradesh): Chanchoda police arrested a man while he was illegally transporting 20 quintals of public distribution scheme (PDS) rice. He was heading towards Rajgarh to sell the government ration brought from Kumbhraj. Its price is said to be around Rs 50,000. Police have seized the rice along with the vehicle used for the smuggling. According to police, they had received information that rice to be distributed in government shops was being taken to the Biaora, Rajgarh side in a pickup (MP-08 GA-2143) from Guna side. As soon as the information was received, the police team reached the Jogipura toll post. After some time, the pickup mentioned by the informer stopped at the toll.
The driver of the vehicle was identified as Vinod Ojha, 33, a resident of Tagraiya Kalan village and currently residing in Kumbhraj. During interrogation, he became reluctant to reveal the details regarding the goods loaded in the vehicle. Then the police checked the vehicle and recovered 40 white plastic bags filled with rice.
Each bag was filled with 50 kg of PDS rice. Its price is said to be Rs 50,000. The driver told the police during interrogation that this was government rice. He has brought it filled with Kumbhraj. Police have confiscated the vehicle and rice. Also, a case has been registered against the accused Vinod under relevant Sections of the Essential Commodities Act.