Sanawad (Madhya Pradesh): Passengers at Sanawad railway station were greeted with historical enthusiasm as the train service commenced after nearly seven years of waiting. The arrival of MP Jyaneshwar Patil, Khandwa MLA Kanchan Tanve, Pandhana MLA Chhaya More, BJP Khandwa district president Sevadas Patel, senior BJP leader Harish Kotwale, and district panchayat president Pinky Wanakhede, among others, from Khandwa marked a significant moment for the region. Led by MLA Sachin Birla, a grand welcome was organised for the dignitaries and railway passengers at Sanawad railway station.
During the event, MP Jyaneshwar Patil credited the tireless efforts of the Sanawad Vikas Sangharsh Samiti for making the train operation possible. He highlighted the state government's commitment to rapid development through initiatives like the double-engine operation. He also announced the opening of a passport office in Khandwa for the convenience of residents.
To improve network connectivity in tribal areas, the approval of 40 towers was announced, along with plans to establish small industries for youth employment. MLA Sachin Birla praised the efforts of the MP and the Sanawad Development Struggle Committee, emphasising the need for a railway underpass to ease traffic congestion at the railway crossing in Sanawad. The event also witnessed discussions on extending the train service to Bhopal and Bhusawal, as well as the early construction of a railway overbridge. The attendees included social workers, citizens, and political leaders, all of whom celebrated the long-awaited commencement of the train service at Sanawad railway station.