Burhanpur (Madhya Pradesh): Burhanpur police arrested an arms dealer from Pachori village late on Thursday evening, SP Devendra Kumar Patidar said. SP Patidar said that the arrested person was identified as Gurudev Singh, 27. Police recovered 16 country-made pistols and a large quantity of material used in manufacturing of arms.
Total value of seized arms stands around Rs 1.75 lakh. Khaknar police booked accused Gurudev under the Arms Act.
Accused family has criminal past
In the past, Gurudev Singh of Barwani was arrested in Nuh village of Haryana. After release from jail, he had been living in Pachori village of Khaknar tehsil in Burhanpur. He was operating a mini-factory of illegal weapons. His family too was involved in illegal arms business. Two cases were registered against his elder brother and one against his younger brother with Khaknar police station.
Accused caught red-handed
SP Patidar said that Khaknar police were tipped off about a person operating an arms manufacturing unit from his house in Pachauri village. A police team immediately rushed to the spot and found a person making illegal pistol using iron tools at his under-construction house. The house was cordoned off and the man arrested red-handed.