Dhamnod (Madhya Pradesh): The notorious leopard that had been inciting fear in the rural areas of Madhya Pradesh's Dhar district since days now, was finally caught on Saturday morning. The worried villagers from Karondiya village, which falls under Umarban beat in the Dhamnod forest range in Dhar, district breathed a sigh of relief. Many of them even thronged the site to see the trapped leopard and clicked pictures.
The residents were in a state of panic since the leopard had been spotted six to seven days prior.
Villagers informed that they saw a leopard six to seven days ago near Panjariya village. Due to this, an atmosphere of fear was created among the villagers.
The villagers immediately informed the forest department about this. After which, the forest department team installed the cage in the villager's field.
Leopard To Be Relocated
On Saturday morning, villagers saw the leopard in the cage, and a crowd of people gathered. This information was immediately given to the Forest Department.
A forest team led by Dhamnod forest ranger Vivek Singh Patel reached the spot and took the cage into their custody. Efforts are now being made to safely relocate the leopard to a suitable habitat away from human settlements.
Attack In Cowshed
A few days ago, a leopard had attacked a cowshed in Khetia of Barwani district. It had killed three calves.