Garoth (Madhya Pradesh): The Garoth police raided a gambling den on Saturday and arrested 28 persons involved in gambling. The police seized Rs 4 lakh cash, 4 four wheelers, 2 motorcycles, 29 mobile phones and a card pack after the raid.
In a press conference at Additional SP Office here, newly appointed SDOP Rajaram Dhakad said that SP Anurag Sujania has launched special operation against gambling across the district. SDOP Rajaram Dhakad received a tip-off that a gambling den was being run near industrial area, Garoth. A special team was formed and raided the den and found some people playing card games and gambling.
A total of 28 persons including organisers, players and card shufflers were arrested. The organisers were identified as Sharif Khan (45) of Jhalawar district (Rajasthan), Than Singh (46) of Agar district, Yunus Mansuri (28) of Ujjain district and Pramod Mahajan (56) among others.
Police seized Rs 4 lakh cash, 4 four wheelers worth Rs 28,00,000, two motorcycles worth Rs 1,00,000, and 29 mobile phones worth Rs 3,00,000 after the raid.
The police have registered a case in this matter and are investigating the matter. Garoth station in-charge Uday Singh Alawa, sub inspector Bhim Singh Rathore and team have played a commendable role in this operation.