Sanawad (Madhya Pradesh): MLA Sachin Birla on Tuesday performed the bhoomi pujan of a community building to be built for Rs 5 lakh in Dasoda village. Speaking on the occasion, Birla assured of resolution of problems of 64 villages under the Barwaha assembly constituency.
Mankar Samaj state president Basantilal Mankar, Khargone district president Tilokchand Mankar and village chief Nanaji Mankar put forth their long-standing demand of providing Scheduled Tribe (ST) status to the Mankar community before the MLA.
The MLA assured the community members that appropriate actions would be taken to fulfil their demands. The Mahila Mandal of Mankar community demanded the MLA to ban the sale of illegal liquor in the village. The women apprised the MLA of alcohol addiction among the teenagers, youth and men of the village.
The menace has also given birth to disputes and has become a major cause of accidents in the village. Birla assured of strict actions to be taken against the sale of illicit liquor. Taking cognizance of the matter, he promptly instructed the excise officer and police administration to take stringent actions against the sellers of illicit liquor in the village.
On the occasion, Mankar community vice-president Chhotu Mankar, MP representative Padam Birla, sarpanch Salkaram Palia and a large number of villagers were present.