Burhanpur (Madhya Pradesh): In a bizarre incident, a man approached a public hearing at Collectorate office on Tuesday carrying a liquor bottle in one hand, complaining against a liquor vendor for promoting unethical market practices.
Priyank Thakur, of Burhanpur, approached a public hearing to complain against a vendor in Transport Nagar for bulk liquor selling at lower rates than the minimum sale price (MSP) and maximum retail price (MRP). This move promotes bulk liquor selling, attracting an insane crowd from nearby villages.
Meanwhile, he took a bottle of liquor from his pocket and presented the problem in front of the Tehsildar Ramlal Pagare. Complaining against unethical practices, he said that similar complaints were made to the excise department but went in vain.
On the other hand, Tehsildar ordered the officers of concerned departments to redress applicants' problems and take action. He asked officers to take serious cognizance of any unhealthy or unethical practices promoting any promoting bad market exercises as per law.