Indore (Madhya Pradesh): City crime branch arrested two persons for uploading videos with weapons on social media platforms, an officer said on Sunday. One of the accused had posted the video with a fake pistol to show his influence among the people while the other could be seen brandishing a knife in his video. The accused apologised to the police for their act.
Additional DCP (crime) Rajesh Dandotiya said that after seeing the viral videos of some youths showing a knife and a pistol on social media to terrify people, the crime branch gathered information about the accused and managed to arrest them. The accused named Jairaj, a resident of Dwarkapuri area was arrested for posting a video on social media with a knife. He was taken to the police station where he apologised to the police and requested other youths not to post such videos on social media.
Another team arrested the accused named Chana Guru for posting a video with a pistol. When he was caught, the police came to know that the pistol being brandished in the video was fake. He wanted to terrify people with his act. Chana also apologised for his act. The accused have been booked under the relevant section of the IPC. Dandotiya further said that the crime branch has received information about other people posting videos on social media to terrify people and a search is on for them as well.