Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Thieves targeted a gated township and managed to flee with cash and valuables worth lakhs of rupees from five places in the Hira Nagar area in the wee hours of Tuesday. The thieves also stole two two-wheelers from two places in the colony. Some suspects were seen in the CCTVs installed in the colony but no arrests have been made till the filing of the report.
According to the police, the incident took place in Tirumala Township near Bhangarh village. A group of thieves entered the township and targeted houses of Nilesh Tiwari, Anuj Nayak, Pradeep Tiwari, Narendra and Sushil Pawar. Sushil Tiwari’s family members were sleeping on the first floor of their house. Thieves entered the house and decamped with gold ornaments weighing around three tolas and Rs 2.5 lakh in cash from there.
The other four house owners are out on vacation so the value of the goods stolen from there can be known only after they reach here. They have been informed about the thefts.
Thieves also took two sports bikes from two places in the township. According to a resident, three security guards are employed in the township but they were unaware about the entry of the thieves and the theft. Despite the colony being gated thieves managed to enter the township making the residents angry.