Indore (Madhya Pradesh): The Police Training College in Indore has received the FICCI Award for Best Practices in Smart Policing 2022 and became the first training institute in Madhya Pradesh to be awarded at the national level. The award was presented to Yangchen Dolkar Bhutia, superintendent of police, PTC Indore by Homeland Security Cyber, AI & Data Analytics for Internal Security, New Delhi, on September 15.
The Police Training College has taken an admirable initiative to establish a Vatsalya Hostel for female trainees to live with their children. This initiative not only equips female trainees with essential skills but also enables them to take care of their children.
The institution has also established a Kilkari creche which includes a swing house equipped with appliances essential for children's play and early education, and has also appointed caretakers to assist the children. A family member of women trainees can also stay on the creche premises to take care of children. The children of trainees, police personnel from PTC, and the local people can enrol in Kilkari.