Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Indore rural police registered five cases at three police stations for protesting and blocking roads against the new hit-and-run law on Tuesday. Hundreds of men were booked in these FIRs and some of them were identified by the police. Also, police teams were constituted in the rural areas for patrolling and to keep an eye on the situations on the borders of the district.
DSP (headquarter) Umakant Chowdhary said that the drivers of trucks and other vehicles were protesting against the new law at the borders of the district in Simrol, Manpur, Kshipra, Sanwer, Betma and Kishanganj and resorted to chakkajam due to which the common people had to face tough situation.
On the instruction of senior police officers, teams of about 140 policemen have been constituted at the police station level to keep an eye on the people creating ruckus and staging chakkajam in their areas.
During patrolling, Kishanganj, Kshipra and Sanwer police registered a total of five cases against hundreds of men for creating the situation of chakkajam. At Kishanganj police station, first a case was registered against more than 40 people under sections 341 and 143 of the IPC for blocking four lanes of AB Road. Another case was registered against many people for blocking the Mhow-Pithampur Road. Kshipra police registered a case against many people for creating a ruckus in Mangliya and Dakachya area while Sanwer police registered a case against the protestors for blocking Sanwer Road.
Many of the accused have been identified and are being searched for by the police. The police claimed that protestors were removed from the road to resume traffic.