Indore (Madhya Pradesh): City police launched a special drive against anti-social elements and people driving or riding vehicles under the influence of alcohol late on Saturday. Action has been taken against 288 anti-socials during the drive. Concerned over rising crime in city, commissioner of police (CP) Rakesh Gupta instructed his sub-ordinates to increase the checking drive in city especially during weekends.
On the instructions, various police teams began the drive at busiest squares and roads and took action against 288 people for involvement in criminal activities in their areas. During the drive, police checked over 700 people indulging in criminal activities in the past.
Around 91 people were booked under relevant section for driving and riding vehicles under the influence of alcohol and putting lives of people and self at risk. Many warrants have been executed by the police during the drive as well. Nine cases have been registered against some people for selling illicit liquor.
A criminal was found roaming in the city even after he was externed from here. Police took action against him. Some on the run accused in various crimes were also arrested by the police during the drive which lasted till Sunday morning.