Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Mystery has deepened over a burning incident of a woman and her husband at their place in Pardeshipura police station area on Tuesday. The couple sustained burn injuries under suspicious conditions. They were taken to the hospital for treatment where the woman's condition is critical as her body has almost suffered severe burns. The police are investigating the case and recording statements of the people concerned.
Investigating officer SI Kamal Singh of Pardeshipura police station said that the woman has been identified as Deepa and her husband has been identified as Santosh Mehra, who is a painter, both residents of Kulkarni Ka Bhatta. The police had taken the statements of their neighbours who had informed them that Santosh is addicted to liquor and the couple used to have domestic disputes over some issue. On the day of the incident, Santosh came to the house in an inebriated condition and locked his house from inside. After some time, the woman came outside the house in a burning state. The neighbours came to her rescue. Her husband also sustained burn injuries in hand, neck and cheeks while dousing flames.
It is yet unclear how she got burnt, whether she immolated herself or she got burnt due to other reasons. The police also found inflammable materials from her house. A family member of the couple said that they were alone at the house when the incident took place. They have two children who live at their grandfather’s place in the same locality. Police could not record the statements of the victims as they are not in a condition to speak and further investigation is underway.